Saturday, December 17, 2011

Chinese Tattoo Characters - Strong Woman

Stacy sent in this confirmation request with the image of her tattoo below:

"1) I was told it meant "strong woman".
2) On my forearm.
3) This tattoo is above another tattoo that not any other Chinese characters."

Hi Stacy,

The design says exactly what you were told: "strong woman", but a bit more. The character for "woman" used here is specifically for that of a woman/married woman/wife, so implying that it's an older woman, not a girl.

Hope that's what you're looking for!


More info on the Traditional Chinese character 婦:

Monday, December 5, 2011

Chinese Tattoo Character - Romantic Love

Jess sent in the confirmation request below with the image:

"I was told that the symbol means love but I have been to other tattoist since and they don't have this one. It is in my wrist. I have since had my name put underneath it!"

Hi Jess,

This is the Simplified Chinese character for "to love" or "to feel attached to" specifically in a romantic sense, and not, say, the love for your parents, your siblings, for your pets, or for the world, but for a romantic partner who you're in love with.

Since this "love" is considered a specific kind of love, it's not surprising that you can't find it at the tattoo parlor sample books, which (as seen on this blog) aren't full proof when it comes to getting the correct Chinese characters.

However, adding your name under this existing "romantic love" tattoo would imply that one is "in love with [name; namely oneself]". It isn't an ideal design, but as far as acccuracy goes, your Chinese character tattoo is correctly written.

Hope that makes sense.


More on the Simplified Chinese character for 恋:

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Chinese Tattoo Symbol for "Beautiful"

The following email was from MzToya who had forgotten the meaning of the Chinese tattoo she got on the back of her neck, a design chosen from a tattoo parlor book.

"I got this tattoo on my neck maybe eight years ago...picked it out of a book....just got the birds added. I believed it to mean beauty or beautiful....not sure.."

Hi MzToya,

Yes - the character is the formal word for "beautiful" - correctly written in Traditional Chinese. Other meanings include "handsome", "seductive", "fine", "colorful", etc. Although this is not commonly used in the day-to-day language (more literary in a sense), it is a common name for baby girls in China. So no worries if you can't find it in the dictionary, it is absolutely correct.


More on the Traditional Chinese character for 妍:

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Chinese Tattoo Character — Longevity

Sherri sent the following Chinese tattoo confirmation request and the images of her design:

"I got this years ago and have forgotten the meaning. Can you please help me? It is on the inside right ankle."

Hi Sherry,

This looks like a buddha design plus the Chinese character below it in simplified version of the word "longevity" or "long life". Correctly written, culturally non-invasive - not a worry.


For more information on the differences between Simplified Chinese characters and Traditional Chinese characters, please refer to under "If you do want to learn Chinese characters, choose the appropriate system".

Friday, November 4, 2011

Strength or Courage... or is it just a Big Mistake?

Jorg sent the image below and asked the following question for a friend who had the tattoo done in Berlin:

"1) Apparently they were meant to mean: strength, courage or determination, or some such thing.
2) on the back, on the right shoulder blade
3) no further tattoos.

Some Chinese people who saw the tattoo said the two characters mean "dog" and "pass" or "good mannered dog" and "pass", where "pass" by itself makes no sense."

Hi Jorg,

I hate to disappoint you, but unfortunately it doesn't mean "courage". In Chinese, the design consists of two characters that look really smashed together (the dot on top should be in the middle closer to the character to the right; if the dot is read together with the character to the left, it means dog, but then the character on the right without the dot will be incorrect and non-readable). The tattoo reads "major demerits", or "serious mistake".

I've seen this design being misinterpreted a few times before. For reference, please see and*wp-content*uploads*big-mistake.jpg/

If you get a chance, please let me know where you found this design (in a book? at a tattoo parlor?) It seems someone is distributing some bad information.

Thank you,


I never obtained any information on which parlors are distributing the incorrect information. If anyone has any knowledge of the origin of this design, or has seen it in a sample book at a parlor, please feel free to email me at mail at ChineseTattoos dot com and let me know. Thanks!