Saturday, October 17, 2009

Chinese Tattoo for Karma

Beez emailed me and with this picture and asked this:

"I was told my tattoo was one from the phrase Karma.  More specifically, I was told it means cause and effect; or causality (Punitive Justices, Retribution for Sin, etc).  The tattoo is located on my back.  There are no other tattoos.  Lately, for whatever reason, I have just been paranoid the tattoo means something else - I don't really know why.  Thank you!"

Hi Beez,

Nothing to worry about. The tattoo says exactly what you think it means.

And a follow up from Beez:

Thanks so much.  You've made my day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god!! I want exactly the same tattoo but i was also scared that it means something else!! Thanks :D
